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Definition Of Defiant

Defiant: Understanding its Meaning and Usage

Definition of Defiant

Defiant is an adjective that describes an attitude of open resistance or defiance, especially against authority or established norms. It implies a wilful disregard for rules or expectations, often characterized by boldness and a sense of challenge.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: rebellious, disobedient, insubordinate, recalcitrant
Antonyms: submissive, compliant, obedient, deferential

Meaning and Usage

The word defiant can be used in various contexts to describe actions or attitudes that challenge authority or established systems. It can apply to individuals, groups, or even inanimate objects.

Example: The students staged a defiant protest against the proposed school uniform policy.

Example: The government faced defiant resistance from separatist groups seeking independence.


Defiant behaviour, while often seen as a sign of rebellion or disobedience, can also be interpreted as a form of self-expression or a way to assert one's identity. Understanding the meaning and usage of the term "defiant" can help us better appreciate the motivations and perspectives of those who engage in such behaviour.


